A Small Note About a Big Change

No need to adjust your RSS feed you’re still in the right place! Though things may look a bit different.

What’s with the new name?

When I started this blog I was in a bit of a rush to choose a name. The Newbie Blogger Initiative was fast approaching and I wanted a cool and quirky blog name. The original idea for the title I’m Not Squishy was suppose to be a call out that I tend to only play glass cannon type characters/ casters and end up dead a lot. This never translated well to the blog and over the years I’ve been thinking about changing it.

When I was writing heavily in the beginning of the year I realized most of my gaming time isn’t spent on my own but with the same group of people. As a group we’ve been playing together for 5 or so years. Right about the time I started this blog actually.

About 3 years ago we started the WelpSquadTV Twitch Channel. At the time I wanted to keep Twitch and my blog separate. But lately, it’s become apparent that both of these things are a big part of my life. So I’ve decided to align my blog branding a bit more with our Twitch branding. Though we’re streaming a lot less these days, the Welp Squad as a friend group is going strong.

Thus Many Welps was born. A name I feel confident that will mean something to me and I’ll feel confident publishing under for years to come.

Did you know you mispelled Whelp?

That mistake was made 3 years ago with the birth of the twitch channel my friend. Whelp just looks wrong to me now…Plus my domain wasn’t taken.

What’s this mean for future content?

Besides the name, you won’t see a massive shift in content. It will still be as it’s always been: a place I write about what I’m interested in in the moment.

No More Ads.

Besides the opportunity to change the name of the blog and grab that sweet, sweet, .com domain, a big reason I upgraded my WordPress plan was to get rid of the ads on the site. Now if you’re reading in an RSS feed you never noticed but some of those ads were weird….and now I have the piece of mind that they won’t be showing up in between my paragraphs.

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